White wedding teeth…. Perth dentist offers advice.

It’s coming up for the big day and everything is under control.
You’ve got the ring, the dress, and the flowers.
You’ve decided on the menu, the guest list and the invitations.
You have a photographer, videographer and a fantastic venue.
The hair is sorted and you know who will be doing your makeup.

But some things are not under your control…like what kind of weather will I have?

Then you realise: “Oops…I have always wanted a glistening pearly white smile and what better time than now? They will really stand out in the wedding videos and photos. They can brighten up my face and make me look younger, fresher and healthier.” You can try doing it yourself with a kit off the internet or from the supermarket.

Think about it…are you doing your own flowers or doing the catering? Ask your dentist about professional tooth whitening options for the safest and best possible results.

Dr Yudelman has looked at all the options and recommends: Nite White® ACP Bleaching Gel By Discus Dental. There will be more about this soon.
This article is solely the professional and individual opinion of Dr. Clifford Yudelman a Perth dentist in Nedlands, Western Australia and does not replace the professional guidance of your own personal dentist. He/she is the best person to counsel you on specific products for your specific situation. Please consult with them if you have any questions regarding anything mentioned in this article.